Hera: Goddess of marriage and life from Greek mythology

The story of the goddess of marriage and fidelity from Greek mythology
Hera is one of the most important deities in Greek mythology. She was the goddess of family, birth and fertility, and was considered the protector of women and marriages.
Daughter of the titan Cronos and the titanide Rhea , Hera holds great powers directly from the Primordial titans.
She had 4 children with the King of the gods, her brother Zeus. She conceives 3 children with him like Ares, Hebe and Ilithyie. On a day of discord with her husband she had Hephaestus alone to show her the strength she had even if he remained the son of Zeus.

The Loves of the goddess of marriage and fidelity from Greek mythology
Hera only has one love even if it is ultimately toxic becauseZeus is terribly unfaithful.
Hera was also known for her jealousy and resentment towards Zeus's mistresses and the illegitimate children he had with them. She was often portrayed as a vengeful goddess and did not hesitate to punish those who displeased her.
Wrongly she will take revenge on Zeus by trying to kill Heracles to punish the latter and all the conquests he had

The powers of the goddess of fidelity, of marriage from Greek mythology
The powers most commonly attributed to Hera:
Birth Control: As the goddess of birth and fertility, Hera had the power to control who was able to conceive and give birth to children. She could also protect pregnant women and help them have easy deliveries.
Family Protection: Hera was considered the protector of the family and ensured that marriages were happy and prosperous. She could also protect children and ensure that they were safe and healthy.
Weather Control: Hera also had the power to control the weather and climate, and could make rain fall or cause storms if she wished.
Vengeance: Hera was known for her jealousy and resentment, and did not hesitate to punish those who displeased her. She could use her powers to inflict curses or punishments on those who displeased her.